Journal of Political and Social Studies,

It is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in February and August.

Call for Papers

Latest Issue (Volume 2 Issue 1)

Article File

Article Type: Research Article
Sending Date: 06.08.2022
Acceptance Date: 12.09.2022
Publish Date: 28.02.2023

Article File

Article Type: Research Article
Sending Date: 30.11.2022
Acceptance Date: 26.01.2023
Publish Date: 28.02.2023

Article File

Article Type: Research Article
Sending Date: 12.12.2022
Acceptance Date: 19.02.2023
Publish Date: 28.02.2023

Article File

Article Type: Book Review
Sending Date: 31.12.2022
Acceptance Date: 27.02.2023
Publish Date: 28.02.2023

Call For Papers

               Journal of Political and Social Studies is an international peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes studies in social, human, and administrative sciences, especially in Political Science. Our journal aims to contribute to these discussions by closely following the current global academic debates in these fields, both at the theoretical and empirical level and to give priority to the local reflections of these discussions in the publication life. Therefore, studies that attach importance to this issue will be given priority among the studies submitted for publication in our journal. Studies prepared in the framework drawn above can use quantitative or qualitative analysis methods, or a mixed model can be adopted as a method. However, theoretical, and philosophical studies are also within the scope of our journal. 

               In addition, our journal; Since it has adopted the principle of being a reader-friendly journal aiming to be as easily understood as possible against the obscurantist academic language, which has now been normalized, recommends that the authors who will submit their works adopt a reader-friendly approach. In this direction, we ask the authors to express their arguments and claims in the first person, without ignoring the objectivity in the text, but avoiding the passive predicates briefly expressed as i-language. 

               For the first issue of our journal, June 2022, you can submit your research articles, book reviews and similar academic studies, written in English or Turkish, prepared in the following fields, to our journal via the submit article tab.


It will be given a doi number to published articles.

Submission Deadline: 30.04.2022

Recommended Fields
a.) Political Science        

                    Comparative Politics
                    History of Political Thought
                    Political Philosophy
                    Turkish Political Life
                    Political Ideologies
                    Turkish and Islamic Political Thought
                    Political Psychology
                    Political Anthropology

b.) International Relations                 

                    Political History
                    International law
                    Diplomacy History
                    Security and Foreign Policy

To Submit:

c.) Sociology

                 Security Sociology
                 Immigration Sociology
                 Political Sociology
                 International Relations Sociology

d.) Regional Studies (Asian Studies, Chinese Studies, etc.)
e.) Ottoman Studies

Call For Paper Text